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Transport Malta with 10 year anniversary book and photographic exhibition

Press Release 27 OCTOBER 2020: 15:00


This year marks the ten-year anniversary of Transport Malta. Transport Malta was built upon three different organisations: the Malta Transport Authority, the Malta Maritime Authority and the Civil Aviation Department, each with its own virtues and challenges.
To commemorate this anniversary, the Authority has published a book with over 300 pages. The hardbound book includes themes emerging from recounting of events, episodes and testimonials and also exclusive photos. The author of the book is Maria Brown and the photos were taken by Peter Paul Barbara.


In the event that the public would like to buy a book, the Authority can assist at a cost of €20 per book. The purchase of the book can be made at its Reception facilities in Ħal Lija. Payments will be accepted by cheque only.
In the meantime, a photographic exhibition on Level 0 at our Ħal Lija premises has been launched today in the presence of Hon. Minister Ian Borg. The exhibition includes photos taken for the purpose of the book. The exhibition is open for the public between Monday and Friday from 0900hrs to 1500hrs from today until Thursday 19 November 2020.


Din is-sena tfakkar l-għaxar anniversarju ta’ Transport Malta. Transport Malta nbniet fuq tliet organizzazzjonijiet different: l-Awtorità tat-Trasport ta’ Malta, l-Awtorità Marittima Maltija u d-Dipartiment tal-Avjazzjoni Ċivili, kollha bil-virtujiet u l-isfidi tagħhom.
Biex tiċċelebra dan l-anniversarju, l-Awtorità ppubblikat ktieb b’aktar minn 300 paġna. Il-ktieb ’hardbound’ jinkludi temi li joħorġu mir-rakkont ta’ avvenimenti, episodji u testimonjanzi, kif ukoll ritratti esklussivi. L-awtriċi tal-ktieb hi Maria Brown u r-ritratti ttieħdu minn Peter Paul Barbara.


Fil-każ li l-pubbliku jkun jixtieq jixtri l-ktieb, l-Awtorità tista’ tassisti bi prezz ta’ €20 kull ktieb. Ix-xiri tal-ktieb jista’ jsir fiż-żona tar-Reception f’Ħal Lija. Pagamenti permezz ta’ cheque biss jiġu aċċettati.
Intant, illum ġiet imnedija wirja fotografika f’Livell 0 tal-binja tagħna ta’ Ħal Lija fil-preżenza tal-Onorevoli Ministru Ian Borg. Il-wirja tinkludi ritratti meħudin għall-iskop tal-ktieb. Il-wirja hi miftuħa għall-pubbliku bejn it-Tnejn u l-Ġimgħa mid-0900hrs sat-1500hrs mil-lum sal-Ħamis 19 Novembru 2020.

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