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Interreg Euro-MED

Interreg Euro-Med
TM role
01/01/2024 - 30/09/2026
Total Budget
TM Budget

Testing novel environmental quality measures in and around Euro-MED ports

Objective of the project
TREASURE’s overall objective is to improve environmental quality in and around
Mediterranean port areas, by mitigating and reducing sediment and water pollution.

Port areas become both the final accumulation site for chemicals from anthropic activities
and a cause of pollution, which represents a significant environmental risk for marine
biodiversity, surrounding areas and a risk to human health.

The overall objective of TREASURE is to improve environmental quality in Mediterranean
ports and in their surrounding areas by mitigating and reducing sediments and water

The project intends to improve environmental quality in Mediterranean port areas
through testing integrated transnational, multi-stakeholder support frameworks that
merge three multidisciplinary elements:

- an ecosystem with multiple stakeholders to create open pilot laboratories;
- an integrated approach for assessing environmental quality;
- a testing of innovative techniques for the remediation of degraded and polluted
port areas.

The lead partner and coordinator is ASEV-Agenzia per lo Sviluppo Empolese Valdelsa Spa
(Italy) and other project partners include ISPRA (Italy), the Port of Bar (Montenegro),
Fundación Valenciaport (Spain), Port Authority of Durres (Albania), Pôle Mer Méditérranée
- Toulon Var Technologie (France), the Port Authority of Piraeus (Greece), Central
European Initiative (CEI) – Executive Secretariat and the Authority for Transport in Malta

Transport Malta’s role
The Authority has joined the Consortium as one of the Project Partners and will be involved
in all work packages to meet the Project Objectives. Transport Malta will be using the Port
of Valletta as a test bed to conduct the following:

- set-up a ‘mini-lab’ concept to conduct the necessary analysis of the quality of the
environment at pre-defined locations in the Port;
- testing of new approaches for the environmental quality assessment in through a
multi-line of evidence;
- testing of novel techniques for the treatment of contaminated water and/or sediments.

Transport Malta has teamed up with the Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) as a
stakeholder to provide the necessary technical support during local project activities.

For further information please send an mail to or visit
project website