Registration Procedure
The following documentation is required for registering a yacht under the Malta Flag.
A yacht is first registered provisionally under the Malta flag for six months (extendible for a further period, or periods not exceeding in the aggregate six months) during which period all documentation needs to be finalised.
The requirements for provisional registration are:
- Application for registration by the owner or an authorised representative, including, if required, application for change of name of yacht.
- Proof of qualification to own a Maltese Yacht; in the case of a body corporate, the document of incorporation.
- In the case of non-resident owners, appointment of a resident agent
- Where applicable, copy of the current yachts International Tonnage Certificate
- Declaration of ownership made in front of the Registrar by the owner or an authorised representative.
- For Commercial yachts of more than 24 metres, application for Minimum Safe Manning Certificate.
- Application for Ship Radio Station Licence.
- Compliance with Commercial Yacht Code for operational certificate.
- Payment of initial registration fees and annual tonnage tax.
The following documents are to be submitted during provisional registration:
- Where there was previous ownership, a bill of sale or any other document by which the vessel was transferred to the applicant for registry; otherwise a builders certificate in the name of the applicant.
- Where applicable, cancellation of registry certificate issued by the Administration where the yacht was last documented.
- In cases of commercial yachts over 500 gross tonnes, copy of the last updated Continuous Synopsis Record issued by the Administration where the yacht was last documented.
- Certificate of Survey and a copy of the International Tonnage Certificate issued by an Appointed Surveyor or Recognised Organisation.
- Evidence that the yacht has been marked in accordance with law.
- Where applicable, copy CE Marking Certificate.
Where valid appropriate convention certificates are not in place the yacht will be issued with a non-operational certificate of registry.
A certificate of Malta registry is subject to renewal on the anniversary of the Maltese registration.